Friday, April 29, 2011

Ready for the Weekend

This has been a long & busy week. I am ready for the weekend!! It's supposed to be super nice out this weekend. Check out our weather forecast.

During lunch today, I walked to Subway to get a sandwich. I walked past a little park and decided to have lunch in the park. The park is called Portsmouth Square Plaza. This park has some surprising history you can read about, here.

This park is technically in Chinatown. My new office is on the boarder of North Beach (Italian District) and Chinatown. It's pretty cool to be in the mix! It's pretty funny to be a blonde, white girl eating lunch in a park in Chinatown. It was basically all older Asian men hanging around, playing what looked like a Checkers game, and just chillin out. They were looking at me like I was an alien. hah

It was nice to get out of the office and enjoy the sun. Now, I am ready to get out and enjoy a beer! Have a good weekend!!

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