Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

OK so that title is SO gross but for today, it was true. Evie and I were in the park and she was playing with a dog - no fighting at all. They were running, jumping, chasing a ball. Suddenly, Evie's face was covered in blood. We stopped them and saw that her ear was torn. Her ear was also gushing blood. She didn't seem to realize she was hurt because she wanted to keep playing. I had blood all over me, too. Who knows what people thought when they saw us running home. I got her home and we put her in the tub where she promptly shook her head spraying blood all over. We took her out of the tub to dry her off and take care of her ear where she shook again sending blood all over the bathroom.

We tried a few things to fix her ear...peroxide, neosporin, gauze, tape, liquid bandaid, and finally...super glue. The super glue worked for 5 mins until she shook her head. This happened about 3 times. Finally, she fell asleep and for a few hours - no blood. Then, it started again. So we went to the Emergency Vet. I started to rethink the glue. Maybe we shouldn't have used it.

Then, the Vet comes in. Get this, he tells us - you did the right thing. The only real thing you can do for this is use glue. You can try to stitch it but it usually doesn't work. He said, just wait it out and it will stop bleeding. Keep putting glue on. He didn't charge us for the visit....that was nice of him!

Anyway, here is Evie's picture of her laying on the couch covered in blankets(in case of more blood) after the Vet. She is tired, again.

As of 9:56pm, there was no more blood!

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