Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Today's dentist visit was exciting. First, the hygenist told me that I have a moderate amount of GUM DISEASE. Luckily, she said this can be reversed with a lot of flossing. She also said that everyone pretty much has some form of gum disease whether they know it or not.

Next, she told me I should be using an electric toothbrush because it is a better way to clean your mouth. Luckily, the dentist office sells them at COST. I got an Oral-B Triumph for only $65! If you even tried to buy this on Amazon, it is $120. Amazing.

Finally, I told the dentist how I take my mouthguard out in the middle of the night. Turns out I am grinding my teeth on that thing now & despite the hard plastic, have work part of that down too. I am going back next week to see if he can alter it so I can't do that anymore. But, basically, I have to wear it or else I will grind my teeth into stubs.

So, I left the dentist with a new toothbrush. Thank God for Healthcare Flexible Spending!

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