Monday, June 9, 2008

Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon

Yesterday, I volunteered at the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon. I volunteered with my volunteer group that I love 'Girls on the Run'. It was awesome! We worked at the finish line so I was right there with the TV crew and the press. This was also televised nationally.

The TRI started with a 1.5 mile swim. The athletes were brought by boat out to Alcatraz where they jumped off the boat into 55degree weather and swam 1.5 miles to shore. Then, they ran to their bikes and bike 18 miles. They finished with an 8 mile run.

It was really exciting to be at the finish to see the winners come through. It was also really inspiring considering I am thinking of doing a Tri. At the finish line, my group had to pass out water & Cytomax. It was HARD work. Seriously. We had to keep up with the finishers so we were ripping open cases of water, dumping them in cups, and passing them over the barrier to the finishers. It was a great day though - nice, warm, & sunny.

Of course, I was definitely inspired by the girl who has a prothestic leg who finished. It is always those people who have a difficulty that push through to finish that is so inspiring. Here are the pictures!

Transitioning from the bike to the 8 mile run. The top triathletes ran 5 minute miles.

The #2 Woman finisher

Our volunteer group!

Andy Potts won the Tri. This is his second consecutive Alcatraz Tri win. He is going to the Bejing Olympics. Check out his site at

Andy Potts

The #3 Finisher from Australia

The top 20 finishers seriously had 0% body fat and are in amazing shape.

I was SO close to these guys. Here they were discussing the course.

Andy Potts. Look for him in Bejing!

Women's Winner - Leanda Cave. Her 2nd consecutive Alcatraz win.

#1 and #2 Women hugging it out.

Leanda being interviewed.

This girl was on Team Jelly Belly & dyes her hair pink each year.

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