Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Barking Dog!

Evie was being so strange tonight. I took her to the park after work and she was running with a bulldog. The bulldog tripped over himself and he laid down and was whimpering. All of the sudden, Evie ran over to him and started barking. Went up to the dog's owner and barking barking barking. We walked away and she was barking non-stop. At nothing. At people. At another dog. Came home. Barking. Non. Stop.

I have no idea what her problem was. She spent from about 730-9 staring out the window barking too.

Finally, she stopped and at about 1030 wanted to play with her toys. Maybe she was trying to tell everyone about her dog friend getting hurt. Who knows. What I do know is that it was annoying to listen to!

Finding dogs and people to bark out through the window

I think she thinks she is a cat. Look how depressed she is because I told her to stop barking.

1 comment:

KMV said...

she is a good actress. much like her mom! haha.