Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Bingo Drama

Well Bingo was drama filled last night. As you know, there are a few key ladies who don't wear their hearing aids and have a hard time hearing. The rest of the ladies get mad that I have to repeat myself like ten times. We also have Miss Sunglasses who likes to laugh in disbelief when a number is called multiple times or she loses by just one number. She also speaks in Russian, under her breath, which is annoying.

Well last night, my favorite Bingo lady got up and gave a speech before we began. She told everyone how they must behave at Bingo. I couldn't understand her but I got the overview from Bella, the Bingo Leader. I'm sure she told Miss Sunglasses to get it together!

Well, Miss Purple (I will call her that bc her hair is so white, it is indeed, purple) showed up AFTER the speech. Wouldn't you know, she did NOT wear her hearing aids? She sat right in front of me and still could not hear. I had to show her the ball when I called it so she could read the number. Then, she still was asking me what it was. The lades were getting sooooo annoyed.

At least Miss Sunglasses kept quiet all night. Some nights are more trying than others at Bingo!

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