Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Well I went to the DPM today to get my ankle checked out. It is sprained. It is a low level sprain but they gave me a little compression sock to wear for a few weeks to keep the stress off of the ligaments. I am overly cautious when it comes to my feet since they were so expensive - aka my bunion surgery 10 yrs ago.

Anyway, everything out here is high tech. From the self checkout at the library to the x-ray machines at the doctors. She took a few xrays, put them in this machine and they instantly came up on the computer screen. Then, she gave me a DVD of my xrays!! isnt that crazy! Remember those huge films you would have to cart around if you had to bring to another doctor?

1 comment:

Betsy said...

Let me guess - was it the anterior talofibular? That's the most common ligament for people to "roll" and sprain. Don't forget to RICE!