Saturday, July 12, 2008

A crappy end to a fun night

Last night, my friend Lauren and I went to dinner. Then, we went to a bar across the street. We were standing right up against the bar and our purses were hung below the bar. Lauren was standing up against them the entire time. This guy was talking to us for a little while. She went to the bathroom and I stayed. We left the bar a little bit later.

I am in the cab going home and suddenly realize I have no money when I look in my wallet. My wallet is messed up. My atm card is gone. Its almost like someone stuck their hand in my purse, rummaged around, and pulled out what they could. I was shocked. Erik had to come out and pay for the cab. I immediately called the Bank to cancel my card.

Its so annoying though that someone would do that. We were not in a shady part of town, either. So from now on, no purses at the bar.
Thankfully, they got away with only like $40. I'm NOT happy that I paid for their drinks last night though.

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