Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Evie got into a scuffle yesterday. Evie is an on-leash dog. She is easily distracted, distracted by strange things, and isn't under voice control. She is getting better but in no way do I trust her to be off leash playing with dogs and not run off, chase a skateboarder, or leave a dog alone if he tells her to.Therefore, we're usually the only ones on leash and I really don't care. That is jut how it is.

Anyway, yesterday we were in the park with her usual friends. This big, oversized black lab looking thing came into the park and everyone else knew him as George. He looked sweet, was running around, and being goofy. The woman told me that he loves to play with Evie-type dogs because they are rough and tumble. Evie & George played and played. Then, George turned. He started going after her & biting her. All I could do was pull her away and the owner grabbed George. Evie was shaken up. She puked, then layed on the ground and seemed OK.

Erik called me today and said she is acting a little funny - just groggy and limping a little. I am going to check her out when I get home and see how she is.

I'm thinking of getting pet insurance. It's like $20 per month. It doesn't cover her anal gland appt every other month though. But, it's good for accidents - which we seem to go to the vet for more often. DOes anyone have pet insurance? what do you think?

1 comment:

JeanineIrene said...

Andrea had it when she had Rudy (the dog with epilepsy). It was worth it for him.