Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The No good, very bad day

Remember this book? Yesterday started & ended in a weird way. I woke up nice & early, walked Evie, got dressed & planned on taking the bus. I went to talk to Erik before leaving & he noticed a spot on my sweater. Then, when I looked in the mirror, I saw another one. It definitely needed to be dry cleaned and I could not get away with wearing it. So, at the last minute, I had to change.

I planned on taking the bus to work because now that it is dark out here, I don't want to bike home at night. I don't have the blinky lights on me or my bike and I just think it's dangerous. Plus, it's the start of the rainy season and it's going to get colder here. Anyway, planned on taking the bus to get to work by a certain time to get to the client for a meeting. As I left the house and ran across the street to the bus stop, I saw the bus pulling away.

Next bus in 8 minutes.

Couldn't wait 8 minutes or else I'd be late so my other option was to bike. I ran back to the house, hopped on my bike(in high heeled boots), and raced to work.

My co-workers & I were leaving our office and the elevator got STUCK. We were going down & suddenly it slowed down and did a little jump. A voice came on saying something about technical difficulties. We got to the next floor & thankfully the doors opened. Whew. We were shaking & scared! Got to the meeting a little late but we made it.

Yesterday at work, it just seemed like everything was going wrong. People weren't delivering things when they said they would, we had to move meetings, and the day was jam packed.

When I went to leave the office, it was raining! Of course, I didn't bring any rain gear. Walked to the bus stop with my bike, put the bike on the bus, and rode home.

Ahhhh I was thankful to get home & put the day behind me. No matter how strange a day is, it is always great to come home to Erik & Evie. Plus, in the scheme of things, I never look at a day like that as horrible. SO what, I got frustrated, stuck in an elevator, & rained on. At least I had seen that episode of Bear Grylls where he taught me how to handle a plummeting elevator! haha

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