Thursday, October 18, 2012

80 degree October

It's October and 80 degrees here in SF! We have leaves turning colors and falling off trees but this warm weather is here. Apparently it is the last week of warm weather before the rain starts. We are hoping to get some pumpkins this weekend!

In other news, AMC is running a Jason marathon. They have a few movies on every night. I never watched these because I thought they were so scary but now, they are pretty funny. Is any horror film from the 80's even scary? The funniest thing is Jason keeps "dying" in all of these movies but somehow they made about ten Jason films. Too funny!!

Today, Evie is at the vet getting her re-check X-rays which means, if all looks good she can be back to normal activity. FINGERS CROSSED because we need to not be worried about her anymore, let her RUN, and go to camp. She is dying to be with other dogs. We have a wedding this weekend and she is scheduled to go to camp. She will have to probably play-rest-sleep-repeat. She is out of shape and will be achy after playing for a few minutes!

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