Thursday, September 17, 2009


So the other day before we know who was in the accident, and I knew it was a girl, I was afraid I knew her. There is this girl who has a puppy Evie plays with. The girl who died looks a little similar to her and I was worried it was her until I saw her in person. I said to her today, I thought it was you. She said she got SO many calls from friends making sure it wasn't her. She said they all heard it was a 24 yr old girl, the neighborhood, etc and thought it was her. Scary! Anyway, she is alive & well.

Anyway, today was exhausting. Of course, I left work late. I walked Evie, and saw her puppy (from above) friend. Promptly went to smell Izzy's poop and STEPPED in it. Had to drag her home, wash off her feet, eat & leave.

Lab was tonight & lab is easier than lecture on Tues. It's more relaxed, he gives us the assignment & we do it. Tonight, we had to look at bones.

I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. Here's to a fun & relaxing weekend.

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