Monday, October 12, 2009


On Saturday, we got back from Napa & picked Evie up at camp. We came home & immediately left again to go meet up for beers with Betsy & Greg. Miss Evie was pretty mad about that. When I came home, we had a surprise - She had gone into the bedroom, into my work bag & pulled out my lunch bag. Carried it into the living room. Opened the bag & pulled out a tub of cream cheese(totally forgot that was in there). ATE THE ENTIRE THING. I'm sure it tasted good going down but she was miserable on Sunday. She is pretty sensitive to food anyway so eating an ENTIRE tub of cream cheese was not pretty.

Laying UNDER the covers on me, on the couch

Mommy - I'm so sick. I never should've eaten all that cream cheese

It was COLD - 50 degrees, foggy & gray yesterday. We were being so lazy!

ughhhhhh - make this feeling go away. no more cream cheese.

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