Monday, April 18, 2011


Sunday was another busy day but we got a lot done. First, I went to the grocery store at like 10am which was wonderful. I HATE going to the grocery store and on Sundays, its overcrowded and the food is cleaned out of the shelves! So, Evie and I went and I got in and out in no time.

We did the laundry, went to storage, got a manicure, and made dinner. It was a productive day.
Here's Evie riding in the backseat on the way home from storage -

For dinner, I made chicken tortilla soup and cheddar biscuits.

Step one - Get a glass of wine!

The biscuits were super easy to make. I modified the recipe by not adding bacon & they came out great!

The soup was very spicy & delicious. A perfect combo with the biscuit!


1 comment:

Kittie Flyn said...

I hate the grocery store too! It's always crowded. Plus I've noticed lately that things seem to be out of stock which, I shouldn't complain because we still have more available to us, but it feels like stores run out of things faster. Also living in an apartment I only like to make one trip from my car so I don't buy a lot OR I'll try to carry 6 or 7 bags of things which is very frustrating. HEHE - on Twitter the hashtag would read #firstworldproblems