Saturday, November 19, 2011

Impromptu 4.5 Miles

On Friday morning, I went out to run 3 miles. It was a little chilly so I wore my little gloves out on the run. I took them off about half way thru the run and when I got home, I realized I lost one. They were super cheap but so cute!!

I had to take Evie out so I decided to take her on half of my run route to look for the glove. I didn't have time to saunter around with her so I made her hustle. We ended up running another 1.5 miles! She wasn't that happy to be running but it served our purposes. Sadly, we didn't find the glove. Oh well...guess I will spend another $2 for another pair!

On Friday night, Erik and I totally did nothing and it was great. I picked up burritos from Little Chihuahua and we stayed in. We watched Friday Night Lights since we were so close to finishing the series. I am so sad to see this series end!!

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