Monday, February 6, 2012

Catching Up

Well the past few weeks have been busy with work, life, and wedding planning. Here's a sample of what we've been up to through some iPhone photos!

 Evie and I are still doing our daily walks & loving that it is slooooowly getting lighter out after work. Here's a shot from a morning walk where it was so clear, you could see the GG Bridge from our neighborhood.
 Here is Miss Queen Bee sitting in a nest she made. Can you believe one night, she made a nest ON me. I was laying on my side on the couch & she pushed the blanket onto me to lay down. What a nut!
 One Saturday, we went back out to the park to Slackline again. I wasn't in the mood so I just lounged with Evie...
 Me and May. I read my magazine while she gnawed at one of those bone marrow bones.
 We are still loving our new couch. Here is Miss May snuggled into the cushions...
 I took Evie up to the Presidio to run around. There are a lot of big, open spaces for her to explore and different buildings to look at, which is interesting for me!
 It's also kind of near our grocery store so we will go up here to run & then go to the store!
 So pretty, Sunny, and warm....nice January weather!
 Rolly pig in the grass
 Stop Taking My Picture Mom!
 Me and Evie. Cool picture!

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