Evie woke up at 630 barking and barking. I get up and look out the window and see a lot of cops, fire dept, and lanes of our street blocked off. We live on a main road so I thought it was a car accident. Actually, I first thought, is this that TV show they are filming? Then, I saw the police tape go up and the trucks were blocking something. I thought someone was hurt in the street. There have been a lot of incidents of bikers getting hit by cars so I thought it could be that. Well, I just had to see what was going on.

(my photos from the window)
I took Evie out for a walk and looked across the street to see what it was. I saw someone laying on the street covered in a sheet. That only means one thing - a dead body. I was shocked!! I saw their flip flops laying in the street like 10' away from them. It was like watching CSI. The cops pulled out the markers, they were taking pictures, and the news showed up. The medical examiner came and I actually saw them pull up the sheet and take pictures of this person. They were face down.
Erik and I thought maybe it was a homeless person but I don't think so. Turns out it was a female. I am finding articles online but no full details are out here.

That yellow sheet on the ground near the tree is the body.
So so so crazy!! I seriously hope I did not know the person. We know a bunch of people in our neighborhood just who own dogs and such.
is that the view from the bedroom/bathroom side?
OMG I'm sorry you had to see this and that it was outside your apartment. I've seen something similar (pedestrian vs. semi on a highway) and it was horrifying.
ugh now i know that she was only 24. I really really really hope I do not know her bc I know of one girl who lived across the street and had a puppy Evie played with. Now that I know she was 24, that is sickening to think about.
Yeah from the bedroom/bathroom side
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