Tuesday, January 19, 2010


How lovely that today is Tuesday and this week is super short. The week is almost over! Well, today I got up at 6am and went to the gym. With school starting, I have to start going in the AM or else I will just not go at all. It was pouring rain out and I thought about not going but I went.

Today was super busy at work but I had a fun meeting today with that movie ticket company, Fandango. I got 2 free movie tix!

I also had a new snack today - a Larabar. I had the banana nut flavor & it was so good. I'm trying not to eat crap like cheezits so instead I had a pear, larabar, and snap peas for snacks. I wasn't hungry all day.

For dinner, I had the Whole Foods salmon. I marinated it in ginger/soy sauce. Delish. I also love frozen butternut squash. I mix it with a little brown sugar. So good!!

The weather still sucks here but thank goodness, I can work from home tomorrow. Also, school starts!

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