Monday, May 2, 2011

Local Chef

We are trying something out this week - getting dinner from a local chef. There are a lot of local chefs here who you can purchase meals from & they deliver to your home. They create a menu, you pick off of the menu & have dinner waiting for you when you get home.

By the time we get home from work, walk Evie, & make dinner, it's already 9pm. I hate eating that late! So, we are trying a chef from this new website - This website corrals all of the local chefs into one spot for you to browse their menus. You can pick out a meal or several and they will deliver to you.

For Wednesday, we are trying Chef Alison Munford from Square Meals. We ordered the

1 comment:

Moonlady said...

that's it - I think I'm retiring to California and never cook again!