Friday, December 19, 2008

Friends & Family are recession proof

I was in Berkeley a few weeks ago and there was a display of holiday cards. There was a sign that said "Friends & family are recession proof. Send a card". How true is that!

After the round of layoffs yesterday, it just really makes me think how important your friends & family are. Not stuff. Not even jobs. People care so much about their job. They miss parties, dates, time with friends & family for what - to work late for some stupid project. Yeah, work is important to do a good job so you don't get laid off but at the end of the day, its not most important. Because, one day you might get laid off & who will you turn to - your friends and family. So, it is important to take good care of those people because you may need them more than ever one day.

So my parting thoughts are - like your job, do a good job, but don't let it rule your life. Your friends & family are your life - take time out for them & take care of each other because that is all we really have in this life.

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