Friday, December 5, 2008

You know

There are some peeps that read this blog & I have no idea who you are. You never comment, just read. I would love if you would comment now & then so I know who you are.....Do I know you in Wallingford, CT, Northampton, MA, Tallahasse FL, or Kalamazoo, MI??


Anonymous said...

OMG so funny you said that.... Sarah gave me your link to your Blog, I read you & Sarah all the time...!! I don't blog but I read alot of them, my sister is a big blogger too.


Heather M said...

Kristine!! how are you??

Anonymous said...

I am good :) I think it was so funny you wrote that, i was like i have no idea if she knows i know of her blog through Sarah!

I was out in SF visiting my friends who moved out there, I love it there. 4 of our friends moved out there, they have been there for about 3 years now (they left right after our wedding) What a great city to move to.... Alot of the places you write about I have seen or been too with them when I was out there.
