Sunday, December 21, 2008

Weekend Recap

Hope you all had a good weekend! On Friday, Cristin and I went to Borders's to wrap gifts. It was fun. I love wrapping. She is an expert wrapper and does some technique called 'seamless' wrapping. Maybe you all have heard of it, or even do it. It looked good. Anyway, my first customer critiqued my wrapping! You could tell she was fussy just by looking at her. I folded up the end of the package and she pointed out a tiny little bit of underside of paper and said 'You need to fix this'. I couldn't believe it! Anyway, the wrapping benefited the Bubel-Aiken Foundation.

On Saturday, we just did chores and brought Evie to camp. We had Erik's holiday party at night which was a buffet, apps, open bar, and of course, Bingo. Guess what!? We won something! They gave out mega prizes like a trip to France, Maui, MacBooks, and money. I THINK we won $1,000 but I am not sure. It was really loud and we couldn't hear the prizes so we never knew which one was being called. So, they are going to call Erik and then we'll know what we won.

Erik looking dapper in his suit

Today, Cristin, Erik & I ran the Christmas Classic 5K. It wasn't raining when we started but it was raining from about the .5 mile mark til the end. Oh well. It was fun. We wore festive socks and got cute t-shirts. Erik finished in 25 minutes! Unreal. I plodded along and finished in 37 mintues. I am so slow but I am OK with it.

After running, I had to go do 3 birthday parties. I was tired but just couldn't think about it or else I would've been in a bad mood. The kids were funny, as usual. I had a set of twin girls who were so cute & so happy. They just laughed and laughed. Natalia & Isabella. Their parents called them Natty & Izzy. (Actually, Kimmy, Natalia told me her nickname was NATTY GAN) Cute names.
After that, I came home and got right into bed (where Evie was) and napped for like 2 hours! It was a great weekend & I hope you all had a good weekend too!

Us, after sweating & getting drenched in the rain

1 comment:

KMV said...

I bet that girl 'Natty' has no idea who Natty Gan is. but that is funny.