Monday, October 14, 2013

A New TV!

We made an exciting purchase last week....A NEW TV!!!!
Remember I said how our TV was crapping out and just showed us a white, ghosted screen. We literally couldn't watch it anymore and didn't have a TV for almost a month. It was kind of nice because it was quiet and you really do the stuff you should be getting done. But, it was boring sometimes when all you wanted to do was lay on the couch, watch a movie and you couldn't. 

We took a family ride to Costco to pick out our TV after doing a lot of internet research. 

 Enjoying the ride

Costco had a zillion TV's but we left with a 50" Vizio TV

It's bigger than our old TV and a different brand since I don't want it crapping out on us again anytime soon. 
So far, we love it! It's big, clear, great picture...

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