Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Alameda Point Collaborative Volunteering

On Saturday AM, I volunteered with The Junior League. We volunteered at the farm at the Alameda Point Collaborative. APC is a supportive housing community that uses all its resources to help families and individuals break the cycle of homelessness and poverty. 

The Farm is a place that provides Job Training to APC residents as well as distributes/sells food to local families and farmer's markets.

We volunteered from 9-1 and for about 2 hours, I literally sholveled S&#t. No joke. All of this dirt behind us is composted dirt that includes HORSE POOP. haha. Contrary to what you might think, it didn't smell at all. It was just like shoveling dirt. A group of us shoveled the dirt into wheel barrows and another group laid the composted dirt onto some garden beds. We did a number of beds so this took awhile. But, it was a workout to dig and it was nice to chat and meet some of the girls. 

The farm has a lot of vegetables growing on it including this very successful lime tree. 

After digging and redoing the garden beds, we harvested winter squash. 
To harvest winter squash, we took clippers and clipped the squash off it's vine. There were a few varieties at the farm including Kabocha, Butternut, Buttercup, and Delicata. 

There are also bees living on the farm. They make honey and sell it to the community. 

Volunteering at the farm was a great experience. We could definitely see the difference we were making for the community farm and in terms of helping the staff. It was also great to meet more women in the League. 

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