Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thrive, Mint, Quizzle

Do you guys use online programs to manage your finances? I tried Mint & Thrive and it was not working for me. I mean, the accounts are never up to speed. They email you with balances that are wrong or bills that are due that you already paid. It was a waste of time entering all of my info just for them to email me incorrect info! Plus, I don't really need reminders of my balances or when bills are due b/c I just check my account and keep an excel sheet with everything in it. You all know I am paranoid about everything else, so of course I check my accounts like crazy.

Now, I found Quizzle. Quizzle is...

You probably know “roughly” what you spend every month. You can “ballpark” your credit score. And you have a “pretty good idea” of how much your home would sell for in today’s market. Sound familiar?

If it does, you’re like millions of Americans who spend every month taking a pretty good guess at the issues surrounding their personal finances without exactly knowing where they stand.

Enter, Quizzle: the tool that replaces all that guesswork with the information you really need to manage your home, money and credit.

The best part? You’ll not only walk away with some real facts and figures, but we’ll also give you a graded assessment of your situation and offer tips and tricks on how to improve.

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