Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Trading Places

Last night, we watched a funny movie called Trading Places. It IS from 1983 so I'm sure you have seen it. Old Eddie Murphy stuff is funny. Dan Akroyd was so young(& thin) in this movie.

It's the story about two old guys who own a Finance company(I think) and Dan Akroyd is one of their workers. Eddie Murphy is a bum on the street. They make a bet that if they brought a homeless man into the firm, he would adapt & learn how to live a rich life. On the other hand, they think the rich guy would adapt to becoming homeless, learn the ropes of the street, and figure out survival techniques.

It is pretty funny. I think the funniest line in the movie was when Eddie Murphy is in the tub in the mansion and the Butler asks him if he wants the jacuzzi on. He turns it on and Eddie says 'Whenever we wanted a jacuzzi growing up, we had to fart in the tub' hahaha

Funny movie!!

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