Sunday, April 25, 2010


Another amazing weather day! We got up early to do the Walk for MS.

This view never, ever gets old.

These are Hopper's Hands. Hopper was a real guy who was an Iron Worker on the GG Bridge

Almost at the finish!

We put a note on the Wall of Hope

There are too many notes on here. Too many people with MS. Today someone from UCSF announced that they are going to start major research on a new treatment for MS. Very exciting!!

After the walk, we went outside. I tested out my bike in the parking lot. I was holding Evie on the leash and she was running next to me. Then, Erik got the rollerblades out and she pulled him and chased me on the bike. She was exhausted after like 5 minutes!! It was hot out today which I don't think she is used to.

We also hit up the farmers market. We got lobster ravioli! The people that sell the ravioli make it themselves & get the lobster flown in from Maine. Can't wait to have it for dinner!!

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