Friday, April 30, 2010


So the bike TO work went great. The bike HOME was tough. It was super windy and like I said, its an incline to get home. I was so tired. The wind was blowing me all over. I had to stop a few times. But, I made it home. I didn't walk the bike at all. It will get easier.

After getting home, I took Evie out for an hour. She saw her buddy Jasper. Jasper is the white 1 year old Boxer. He can do so many tricks! He can spin, bark on command, jump on command, and give high five. Evie only knows sit, down, paw, up. I want to teach her hi-five but I dont know if she has that much shoulder flexibility. haha. I also want to teach her to play dead.

After that, I went to play tennis with Lindsay for an hour. I didn't do too bad but lost 6-3. Oh well, good to practice. After dinner & watching the Real Housweives of NY, I was exhausted. We were passed out on the couch with the space heater when Erik came home.

Oh my god - get this. Erik got the police scanner app for iphone. You all know how i love to know what is going on & dream of being a dispatcher someday. Well, now we can sit and listen to the calls coming in. hahaha. Too funny. We make fun of people who do this & now, here we are. Our kids are going to be so embarassed of us some day.

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