Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Hello, Junior League!

Tonight was my first Junior League Meeting! I am really excited to join the East Bay League. We have general meetings once a month and tonight was our first of the 2013/2014 season. We heard all about upcoming events, volunteering, and heard a great speaker. I'm also really excited because Jr. League is a training organization which means they train the women in the group with leadership skills. 

Our speaker talked about the lessons learned in the book "How Full Is Your Bucket?" Essentially, every day we choose to fill ours or someone else's bucket. You can fill a bucket by having a positive attitude, giving a compliment, listening closely to a friend, etc. 

You can TIP someone's bucket by gossiping, being rude, raising your voice, not listening, etc. 

How often do you try to FILL someone's bucket v. tip it? 

We also learned that everyone responds better to positive interactions vs. negative ones. Those positive interactions stick with us and we remember them often. Think of the last time someone praised you, complimented you, etc. The negative ones stick with us too, in a bad way. The more people don't listen, raise their voice, tell you what you've done wrong, the lower your self esteem goes. 

One big thing I took away from the speaker was how to NOT tip someone's bucket and that is by "Pressing Pause" When you want to say something mean, be sarcastic in the wrong time, gossip, etc....Press Pause and really think about what you are about to do. It aligns well with something I saw awhile ago and try to think of often. 

I also saw a new friend that I met at the Jr. League mixer a few weeks back so it was nice to see her. I also met a woman who owns her own shop where she sells FURNITURE SHE HAS REFURNISHED. I was like, "Oh I pick up furniture on the street and re-do it." hahaha. 

Anyway, great Tuesday!

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