Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hockey Team Baseball Game

Yesterday, we went to the Giants/Padres game with Erik's hockey team. It was sooooo nice out - warm and sunny. Yes, two things we haven't experienced in a few weeks! The game went into extra innings and the Giants won! I love going to the games to eat, drink, & sit in the sun. I could really care less about the game. haha.

After the game, we went to Zeke's, a bar near by. One of his Bulldog teammates kept pitchers of beer coming non-stop along with Jager shots. Gross. I steered clear of those but Erik had a few. haha.

Mike Sandwich

At the end of the night, this girl came into the bar...alone. She went right over to Mike and was all about him. I don't even know if anyone knew her name but she was really drunk and trying to talk to everyone. So random!

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