Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Work is absolutely out of control. I have been the only one in the office for a few days. My boss is out alllll week. The Client freaked out yesterday at the 11th hour for a project we've been working on for weeks. She refused to take responsibility for herself & not speaking up for what she wanted. Rule violation in my book. Do you guys know my three rules in life? OK, Ill tell you:
1. Have Manners (Please, Thank you, excuse me....)
2. Take Responsibility for yourself (85% of people never learned this)
3. Have respect for yourself

Anyway, last night, Erik and I went out on a date. He did not have hockey so we took advantage of the evening. We went to the Park Chalet restaurant near Ocean Beach. They have Taco Tuesday deals! $3 beer, $2.50 tacos! They had a live band and it was packed. It was a fun night. Love going out during the week to break up the crazy work week.

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