Thursday, February 7, 2013

Berkeley & Belvita

Today, I went to check out an apartment in Berkeley. It is in a duplex and it was pretty nice! It  was THREE Bedroom with a free parking spot, free laundry, and a little FENCED area to ourselves. Um, that sounds like a castle! Amazing what five years in a tiny apartment in the city will make you think is a big deal!

Wanted to share my new favorite product.....Belvita! These are really awesome because they are whole grain, no HFCS, and provide energy. They are billed as breakfast bars but I think they are delish around that 10am mark or the 4pm before dinner mark. I bought the Blueberry and Cinnamon last week and both were SO good. Eat with some milk on the good!

For dinner tonight, we made pizza. Had some wine, too, which reminds me of one of my favorite prints:

We did not have "really good" wine tonight but Cannonball is pretty good!

So happy tomorrow is Friday. This week was so busy but we have a fun weekend ahead. Beer Festival tomorrow and Sissy arrives. Wahooooooo!!

I'll leave you with this from the early 80's in honor of #throwback Thursday!

Happy Friday!

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